Custom-made mouth guards protect your teeth from clenching and grinding at night, which can stress your jaw joint and cause problems such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, tension headaches, and worn teeth surfaces. Children and adults benefit from custom mouth guards to wear during contact sports, too. Custom versions are superior because they’re more comfortable and effective in protecting your teeth from damage.
We make an impression of your teeth and send it to the lab to fabricate your mouth guard. Expect quick delivery of your final mouth guard and, when worn regularly, predictable and comfortable results.
TMJ disorders are often caused by clenching or grinding of your teeth, which stresses your jaw and causes pain in your head, neck, and shoulders. The pain from TMJ can be severe enough to mimic a migraine.
Symptoms of TMJ disorders include:
In addition to teeth clenching and grinding, TMJ disorders may be caused by misalignments in your bite, arthritis, former trauma, stress, or missing teeth.
Custom mouth guards or night guards that you wear as you sleep prevent you from habitually grinding your teeth, a common cause of TMJ disorders.
Grinding your teeth wears down the surface and stresses the supporting structures in your jaw joint. The night guard makes you more aware of your grinding habits and prevents you from being able to do it by creating a barrier between the top and bottom set of teeth.
Some mouth guards are designed to hold a space between your upper and lower teeth, so they never touch, and grinding or clenching is not possible. This relaxes your jaw at night to relieve tension, tooth damage, and resulting headaches or TMJ.
A custom mouth guard can also help by adjusting your bite slightly. A misaligned bite is another potential cause of TMJ disorders.
Care for your mouth guard is simple, but important for it to last a long time and not harbor bacteria.
Rinse it regularly with water or a special mouth rinse before and after each use. When not in use, store it in a perforated container, which allows air circulation to discourage mold growth. Angeles Crest Dentistry provides you with this appropriate storage.
Also, keep your mouth guard away from temperature extremes, such as a heat vent or sunny windowsill, which may distort its shape.
When you come in for regular check-ups, bring your mouth guard to check and make sure it’s still working properly.